Do you want to download “Square Lemon” font with great aese?
Here you got it! On our webpage.
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Square Lemon Font Family
Square Lemon is a typeface that conveys a message or a feeling about the nature of the brand. Based on your industry product, you can choose from font to typography.
This font is eye-catching and it fits nicely with many other fonts. Plus, It is great for combining two fonts since its letters are usually large in size. The origin of the font”s name” comes from the word lemon. This font will help you give a special look to your website or document when the desired reaction is required.
Did you know that the word “font” is used as a synonym for typeface? And did you know that there are different kinds of fonts and each one of them has its own history? Some typefaces look formal, others playful. Some are too flat, others not condensed enough. Some have rounded corners, while others are sharp and edgy.
It’s fascinating how different fonts communicate in different ways, and can even influence the way we perceive the text!
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Fonts are very important for a well designed interface. A good font can make a huge difference. It can change your overall visual presence and also makes your site or application easy to read.
The 1st thing you notice in the old movie posters is that they were used to put a lot of emphasis on the point to be made. As they wanted to attract their target, these posters relied on typography that was clear, bold and well placed.
This font is a part of the Brush, Script, Sans Serif category.
Let’s start with the history.
The history of this stylish font begins in the 30s of the 20th century. The brilliant designer Franklin Gothic is behind this Font . He was looking for a new font for his magazine “EMPIRE”, which was about avant-garde movement.
At that time, the trend in fonts is to make them more beautiful and more expressive. Franklin abandoned these ideas and created a very simple font. Then he divided it into four parts and turned each part around by 90 degrees. This created an interesting dynamic and clear image that was visible even from distance.
Thanks to a long history and many applications, Lemon Square font is used all over the world by many people. The most popular of them can be seen in San Francisco where it is used on all kinds of vehicles. It is hard to overlook such typography when you see it. It has since become the characteristic mark of many companies and products.
Fonts are an essential component to design. As a matter of fact, typography is considered as the most important element in graphic design. It can enhance your whole website. A design could be poor regarding color combination, but still looks good if it has neat and clear typography.
This font was designed by Jeremy Dooley in 2009. Inspiring typography is something we see everyday. The biggest influence on our lives today, in fact, has been the printed word. But try to think of a time when you have designed an invitation card or any project that demands the presence of typography.
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I’ll bet your answer would be, not very often. Yes, what I’m saying is that we are all surrounded by types but it’s rare for us to use its power to actually create a design element or even text as creative as this one!